53rd ANNUAL | SEPTEMBER 27, 2025
8 am - 4 pm
Craft Vendor Application
Important Dates
2025 Fair: Saturday, September 27
Applications Open: March 1
Applications Due:
Setup Begins: Friday, September 26 at 3 p.m.
Fair Begins: Saturday, September 27 at 8 a.m.
Mail In Application with Check
Step 1: Print and complete PDF Application
Step 2: Mail completed application with check to Whimmydiddle, P.O. Box 221, Scott City, KS 67871
Step 3: Your canceled check is your confirmation
Craft Vendor Information
Whimmydiddle Arts & Crafts Fair offers a friendly hometown venue for artists and craftspeople to show quality, handcrafted items. Our show attracts an estimated 3,500 visitors annually. The Whimmydiddle Arts & Crafts Fair strives to accept only vendors who show and sell quality, creative, handmade items. We will not, knowingly, accept items that are commercially made.
Application Requirements
Original work only! We are not a juried show and would like to remain that way.
Artists reproductions such as prints or cast items of the artist's original are permitted.
No mass produced kits, wholesale, purchased or flea market items allowed. No third-party sales. Special Note: all jewelry that falls in the previously mentioned sentences will not be allowed and the exhibitor will be asked to remove such items.
Purchased parts and partially processed material should be used with care and incorporated into the design.
Commercially manufactured apparel or accessories (i.e. jeans, aprons, smocks, t-shirts, belts, etc.) must exhibit originality in design with high quality handiwork/decorations added to be acceptable.
We reserve the right to request removal of any work that differs from the application or does not comply fair criteria.
No responsibility of loss or damage of any artwork or display in the show is assumed by Alpha Omega, ESA, the town of Scott City, or the Scott City Parks Department. Liability insurance is suggested.
Acceptance and participation in the current Whimmydiddle Arts & Crafts Fair does not guarantee acceptance to next year's show.
Exhibitor is responsible for setting up and taking down his/her own booth. Tables/chairs are not provided. All trash must be disposed of. Dumpsters are located at various locations throughout the park.
Each vendor is required to have a KS Sales Tax Number. Applications can be found at www.ksrevenue.org. or by calling 1-785-368-8222, option 5 then option 1. Obtaining a Kansas Sales Tax Number is free of charge.
Application Procedures and Selection Process
Entry into the show is on a first come, first served basis.
Applications will be accepted until all spaces are filled.
The official application must be completed in full and payment received before space can be reserved.
Application must include a check for all applicable fees. Your cancelled check is your confirmation.
Booth Information
Booth/Entry Fee is $130 per space.
Booth sizes are 10’ deep by 15’ wide and all are located outside.
Some booths are located in full sun and subject to the elements, so come prepared.
Booth spaces may have trees over-hanging or bushes bordering the area. Every effort is made to accommodate exhibitor but this is a city park so be forewarned.
Electricity is available, but very limited. We make this available only to crafters that require it to sell their product (i.e. roasted nuts, engraving, etc.)
Electricity is available at the charge of $20 per circuit.
Registration and set-up will begin Friday at 3 p.m.
Vendor unloading: Unloading Parking is available on Park Avenue(south side of park) and Highway 83 (west side of park) from Friday at 3 p.m. until 7 a.m. on Saturday. Only for unloading and cannot be parked more than 30 minutes.
Take down and removal of booths must be completed before 6:00 pm Saturday evening.